You, Her, and the Morning After
There’s nothing quite like waking up with a beautiful woman beside you in your bed – or waking up in the bed of a beautiful woman. Whether the encounter was a casual fling, or the start of a long-term relationship, there are certain ways to make the morning after a pleasant one for both of you.
Morning Cuddles

“Cuddling just after you wake up may lead to a good morning sex”
Let’s face it, not everyone is lucid enough in the wee hours of the morning to allow for mind-blowing morning sex – and depending on the activities of the night before, you may simply not have the energy for it. But a bit of cuddling will make a lady feel appreciated, as well as allow you some time to wake up completely. Wrap your arms around her, rest your head atop hers, stroke her hand, and just lay quietly for a while. If you are interested in morning sex, let your hands wander a bit, let your kisses get a bit heavier and watch for her reaction. She’s sure to let you know if she’s up to it.
Not a Morning Person?
Once again, not everyone is in a pleasant mood in the morning. However, you’re obliged to keep your temper in check when you have a guest at your home (or when you’re a guest at someone else’s, or if you generally wish to interact socially with other individuals in society). That means no snapping at her if she wakes you up earlier than you’re accustomed to. Suffer through it until you can get caffeine into your system. If she’s pushing you into something that requires more mental focus than you’re in possession of (such as the above mentioned morning sex), appeal to her ego: “You tired me out last night. Why don’t we just lay here and cuddle for a bit?”
Morning Hygiene
If she’s at your place, offer her a shower – alone or with you as company. Make sure that the bathroom’s stocked with the necessities; shampoo, soap, fresh towels. As for the issue of toothbrushes, if you don’t have an unused one handy, offer her yours if neither of you care about germs. Toothpaste on her finger will do in a pinch. If you’re at her place, man up and use her shampoo and soap – no one ever died from smelling like a fruit basket. It’s far more offensive to leave smelling like stale sweat and body odor.
Breakfast and Seeing Her Home

“Get her breakfast before you bid farewell”
Even if you are at her place, offer to buy her a morning coffee, or cook something if there’s time for it and you’re not bad in the kitchen. Walking to the nearest café together is also a low-stress way to bid your farewells, and a polite way to see her out of your place if the two of you found yourselves there. After breakfast, see her to a cab or bus stop – even if you don’t plan to see her again, it’s just polite. If you do plan to see her again, it’s all but necessary (and also, polite). Additionally, if you plan to see her again, drop her a text later that day telling her how much you enjoyed the time spent together – it’s flattering and keeps you on her mind.