Our Review Of AdultFriendFinder.com Says It All: Why AdultFriendFinder.com Ranked #3 For Meeting Women Online
Adultfriendfinder has been about for so long that we wouldn’t ask for its ID card at a pub. This is a site that’s easy to use, easy to learn, and easy to make work for you.
Yes, it’s not quite as new or shiny as Sexsearch or Eroticads , but Adultfriendfinder is an excellent, decent way of looking for what’s probably the largest selection of single women in Britain.

Here is a great choice for sex dating: Adultfriendfinder
Let’s take a closer look at why we love AdultFriendFinder.com so very much, and why we think you’ll enjoy it as much as we have during our AdultFriendFinder review.
Wow! Our Review Of AdultFriendFinder.com Says It All: Why AdultFriendFinder.com Ranked #3 For Meeting Women Online
We’ve seen the name “AdultFriendFinder.com” for years and years, and there’s a reason for that. This site has been around since 1996, making it the largest, and likely first site designed specifically for helping singles get together without being in relationships.
This site has tens of millions of active members. If you know a woman who’s been on an adult dating site, the chances are that she’s been on this one at some point in her life.
However, a lot of people think that AdultFriendFinder.com is too old, or too clunky to be of any use to men and women looking for sex. Happily, the site has undergone an extensive redesign, and is now far simpler to use for anyone who wants to have fun.
Our Results After Using AdultFriendFinder.com Over 3 Months: Is AdultFriendFinder.com Legit?
During our AdultFriendFinder review, we sent out emails to 500 women, hoping for at least a 50 percent rate of response. In our experience, that’s the lowest number at which we’re guaranteed to pull with at least a few birds.
We were quite surprised to see that we got back 365 responses instead of the 250-ish we were expecting. This was a fabulous rate, and we were thrilled with the amount of responses we received on AdultFriendFinder.com from different women.
We set up dates with 20 women, actually met 18, and went home happy with 15 of them. Believe us, the women on AdultFriendFinder.com know what they want, and that’s what they’re going to get.
The Top 3 Messages That Got The Best Responses On AdultFriendFinder.com
Email 1: “Hi, Emmy. It’s good to see a woman who’s so startlingly, refreshingly honest about speaking her mind. I have a feeling that no conversation with you would ever be boring! You seem to be a pretty hardcore gamer—would I have better luck if I found you on those servers than over here? I have codes to share, or at least my avatar does.”
Email 2: “Hi, Janis. I have to admit, it was your picture that made me stop and click on your profile—but it was your profile that made me click “Message.” I’m so impressed you’re a dancer, especially in a Cunningham company. I’ve managed several shows with them over the past several years, but I bet you could teach me a little something about life in front of the spotlight.”
Email 3: “Hi, Kathleen. I’m sorry to hear that your first few months in London have been so rough. Mine were no better—I couldn’t even walk for almost a year after I got here, I was so shocked! But I started teething around then, so it all worked out well in the end.”
We Loved AdultFriendFinder.com And With Good Reason! Some Of the AdultFriendFinder.com Features We Loved
One thing that we love about AdultFriendFinder.com is the fact that it’s so FULL of women that it impacts the search function. You’re able to search for almost any filters and parameters you want, because there are all kinds of women on AdultFriendFinder.com.
We also love the fact that Adultfriendfinder has almost any feature you could possibly want. This site is fully-featured, and comes with the best chat rooms you’ve ever encountered. We’ve actually met almost as many women by using the chat rooms as by sending out emails, though that’s only true on AdultFriendFinder.com.
Get Noticed In A Good Way On AdultFriendFinder.com With Our Secret Dating Tactics
While there isn’t any Adultfriendfinder scam that we saw, you’re going to want to be fairly aggressive about pursuing women in a very specific way so you don’t get confused with spam.
We did get one or two vague messages we thought could be spam, but apparently, women get far more of them. Make sure that any email you send to women on this site is very specific, and draws bits and pieces from their profile to prove that you’ve read it.
Another thing you need to do in order to get ahead on this site is to put up a very professional-looking photograph. Most of the blokes on this site are far younger than on other sites. It’s good to differentiate yourself from them. The point of getting older is that you don’t have to look like a moron anymore.
As long as you look and act professionally, you’ll find that your luck on Adultfriendfinder is very strong.
Nobody’s Perfect: AdultFriendFinder.com Things We Didn’t Love
It is entirely understandable that a site that has been around since 1996 would have some old, inactive profiles. However, we do wish there were an easier way to filter them out. We’re not all that interested in meeting women that have been logged off for five years.
Another thing we don’t like too much is the huge amount of free members. These men and women don’t do anything on the site but take up space. Most of the women that are free members are totally uninterested in getting a full membership that will allow them to return your emails.
These women aren’t worth your time. They’re not serious about getting a date. They just want to feel noticed. Pass them up.
Our Final AdultFriendFinder.com Review: The Last Word On Using AdultFriendFinder.com To Meet Women
We very much enjoyed our time on Adultfriendfinder . However, we don’t think that it can exactly compare to Sexsearch or Eroticads .
Part of this is ease of website use. While we could get around Adultfriendfinder just fine, it was easier and sleeker on the other sites. We also didn’t meet quite as many women, though it was still a great site.