We Review LocalSlags.co.uk And Tell You Why They Did NOT Make Our Top 5 List
Here’s a total and shocking surprise: most women don’t enjoy being referred to as slags.
That’s just one of the (very) many things wrong with LocalSlags.co.uk. It would take too much time to list them all, but you have to trust our word on this one: this site is NOT going to be good for your strength in the game of dating, and you should avoid it.

This site sucks! Look at our best adult sex sites to find a site worth your time.
Let’s take a look at why we think LocalSlags.co.uk is completely useless for meeting women in London.
One of the most important things to remember about dating is that you need a mathematical advantage.
Usually, the Internet is a fantastic tool for meeting women. This is because the Internet is something of an equalizer. You don’t have to be the man who appears to be the most handsome right away, since you’re actually going to have a chance to prepare yourself, prepare your lines, and present yourself the way you want to be seen.
Unfortunately for us men, that means that you’re going to have to deal with the fact that men are much more likely to converge on multiple dating sites than women are.
There are several men for every woman on dating sites.
This is especially true of casual dating sites, hookup sites, fling sites, and sex meetup sites…like LocalSlags.co.uk.
This site advertises directly to men. It doesn’t care whether women sign up or not, because the money is in appealing to men. The ratios of men to women on a site like that are overwhelmingly NOT in your favor.
How do we know about the ratio? First, we’ve talked to others on LocalSlags.co.uk.
Second, look at the name. No woman is going to want to join a site that refers to her as a slag. That’s just to make men think there are women on this site that will do anything they please.
Read About Our Results After Trying LocalSlags.co.uk To Meet Women Online
During our LocalSlags review, we sent out 500 emails to different women we wanted to try meeting up with for sex.
We only heard back from one of them. Honestly, it was difficult to tell if it was an isolated incident, or if it was simply a fluke. This kind of number is so small that it’s shocking, let alone insulting.
We didn’t meet any women during our time on LocalSlags.co.uk. Given the name, that’s probably for the best. We’re not sure we’d want to meet up with a woman who takes pride in that name.
Is LocalSlags.co.uk A Scam?? Why They Aren’t Worth It
Call us mental, but we’re not overly fond of the idea of a website designed to match men up with, if you will, local slags. We understand what the site is going for, but this is just a terrible name, a terrible idea, and wound up being a terrible website.
The site is full of women who are obviously fake, and men who are so pathetically eager they’ll jump at absolutely any chance to meet a woman, even if she’s false.
This site is empty of women.
If you want to find women, you have to look where they’re congregating…and that’s not going to be at a website called LocalSlags.co.uk.
Should You Use LocalSlags.co.uk To Meet Women Online? (Hint: NO.)
Don’t bother wasting your time by using LocalSlags.co.uk. This site is awful, and it’s very close to the bottom of our list for a reason.
If you want to meet women for sex, check out our favorite two websites, Sexsearch , and Eroticads . Those are great sites that won’t take your money.