We Review HornyMatches.com And Tell You Why They Did NOT Make Our Top 5 List
HornyMatches.com is a scam—let’s get that out of the way immediately and build from there.
This site is dangerous for your finances, because the people who run it are not honest. This is a site that you shouldn’t use, whether you think you’re good at spotting scams or not. You should make sure you know exactly what you’re doing when you log on to sites like this, and we’re being very serious when we say that HornyMatches.com is the exact kind of site you should avoid at all costs, period.

This website sucks. Check out our best adult sex sites for better options for getting laid.
Let’s take a look at why we despise this website, and why we want you to avoid it immediately.
If you use a site with a name like HornyMatches.com, you might feel not all that surprised to find that the site isn’t exactly legitimate.
However, that doesn’t excuse this site from being one of the sleaziest, deceitful sites that we’ve ever tried. This site makes it almost impossible to meet women because of the nature of how it’s set up.
The problem with HornyMatches.com (aside from the name, the design, and everything else about this website) is the fact that it has no in-site messaging system. It touts this as a way to speed up communication, when if you’ll stop and think for a moment, in-site messaging is probably as fast as you want to be able to communicate with people you haven’t yet met. Why would you want some random strange woman to have your personal email address?
In-site messaging also keeps you safe and secure, not to mention it keeps you in CHARGE of when you respond to emails and when you let the woman think about you for a little while. Not having them just makes you rethink your whole strategy, which isn’t a good thing.
Read About Our Results After Trying HornyMatches.com To Meet Women Online
During our HornyMatches review, we sent out emails to 500 women. We’d like to have gotten back about 250, or at least half of the ones we sent out over the course of three months.
We only got back 107—and more unfortunately, they were your typical HornyMatches scams. These were spambots, and we only heard from women like that during our entire HornyMatches comparison.
Is HornyMatches.com A Scam?? Why They Aren’t Worth It
If you’re so hard up that you have to go to a site called HornyMatches.com, you’ve likely got enough problems. Adding insult to injury is what this site does best, we’re afraid.
The typical HornyMatches scam is to make you think that there are women who want to meet you. They go about this a very certain way, so if you see any signs of this, you’re being scammed.
First, you create a free account (because you want to know what you’re getting for your money). Then, you start noticing that you’re getting a lot of emails from “women who want to meet you.”
You start to look, only to be told that those messages are only available to paid members. Wanting to meet these women, you sign up…only to find out once you’ve bought the account that you’ve been completely suckered. There are no women waiting to meet you. It’s all a scam.
This is what every person who uses HornyMatches.com experiences, sooner or later.
Should You Use HornyMatches.com To Meet Women Online? (Hint: NO.)
In case the in-depth story about how HornyMatches.com is not to be trusted and how they deliberately scam their users out of their money wasn’t enough, let’s make it clearer.
Don’t trust HornyMatches.com with your money.
Stick to a GOOD site instead, like Sexsearch . That’s a great way to meet British women without having to resort to a terrible site with a name like HornyMatches.com. Yes, the scamming is bad, but let’s not pretend that the name isn’t the real crime here.