We Review Fling.co.uk And Tell You Why They Did NOT Make Our Top 5 List
From the moment you log on to Fling.co.uk, you will KNOW that this site is a complete scam.
In general, any site with a white background and thumbnails of unidentifiable women in sexual situations is going to be a scam. This is just the easiest thing for any site to put on the front page to make men subscribe without learning much about the site first.

We hated this site! This is our best adult sex sites to help you score with chicks.
Tame your inner urges for a moment. Just read what we have to say about Fling.co.uk, and if you still want to join, well, you’re making some rather odd decisions, but we won’t stop you.
The site Fling.co.uk is banking on the fact that people do not care about whether the sites they visit are scams or not. This site is shoddy, slow to load, and obviously full of fake profiles along with the very real male idiots that make up its users.
You’ll be able to see the latter variety if you wander to any of the poorly coded chat rooms, but we don’t recommend you do that. In fact, we don’t recommend that you spend any time on Fling.co.uk whatsoever, on the chat rooms or messaging pages or anywhere at all.
Read About Our Results After Trying Fling.co.uk To Meet Women Online
During our Fling review, we sent out emails to 500 different women over the course of three months. Yes, this sounds like a lot, but please understand how exactly our reviews are structured.
We’re a group of three men. We each sent out an email twice a day until we hit 500 emails, at which point we stopped and regrouped, sharing our information and deciding which sites were worthy and which were scams…and Fling.co.uk definitely falls into the latter category.
We were hoping for about 250 replies to our emails. Usually, a 50 percent success rate guarantees that we’ll get some action with women, so that’s what we’re usually hoping for (though very good sites like Sexsearch and Eroticads blow that out of the water).
Unfortunately, on Fling.co.uk, we only received 44 emails in return. None of them were from women we’d want to date, and we didn’t go out with a single woman in that whole three months.
We also didn’t go out with them after, because we couldn’t get away from Fling.co.uk fast enough.
Is Fling.co.uk A Scam?? Why They Aren’t Worth It
We genuinely hope that you all appreciate the things we do for you.
Not only do we review dating sites that are more often scams than they are legitimate, but we review them thoroughly even when we know they’re just going to be scams.
Fling.co.uk was definitely one such site. This site was complete rubbish from beginning to end, but we didn’t give up. We kept valiantly sending emails to spambots, just so men like you could sleep a bit less lonely at night, without getting scammed by terrible sites.
Incidentally, one good way to know that a site is a scam or at least won’t be any good is to look at who the site is meant to attract.
If the site is geared equally at men and women, it might be legitimate (though you’ll have other things to check). If it’s aimed at men, however, it’s almost always going to be a scam—it’s easier to get men to spend money on scams than it is to get women to do it, sad to say.
Make sure to protect yourself from scams like that, and be vigilant about the sites you join for pay.
Should You Use Fling.co.uk To Meet Women Online? (Hint: NO.)
Don’t grace Fling.co.uk with your digital footprint. There are dozens of better websites out there, and you won’t need to deal with awful sites like Fling.co.uk when you find them.
Try Sexsearch , or Eroticads . Those are both excellent sites that will give you real value for your money.