We Review UKSexMeet.co.uk And Tell You Why They Did NOT Make Our Top 5 List
Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell whether a website is just a clone of another site.
Sometimes, like with UKSexMeet.co.uk, it’s pretty damned easy. For example, it’s pretty easy when the website forgets its own name, and uses the previous one in the fine print, like so:

You will be disappointed with this site. Look at our best adult sex sites for the help you need to get laid.
“UKSexMeet is the place to meet up for sex! Join CasualSexMeet today!”
When you see something like this, you know for a fact that this site isn’t going to give you what you want. If we were smart, we’d have left right then…but then again, we’d promised a UKSexMeet review, so you’re going to get a UKSexMeet review.
Let’s take a look at why CasualSex—er, why UKSexMeet.co.uk is so bad for meeting women.
There are very few sites that are so obvious about being a scam as UKSexMeet.co.uk.
This site is all about the fine print. If you ever make a profile on this website, you can feel good about one thing—you’ll be picking up women on this website much longer than you think.
Because once you make a profile on UKSexMeet.co.uk, they have the right to take that profile…and use it. Even after you move on to a different website and delete your profile, they’ll still use it to send fake spam messages to women, making them think that there are men out there interested in meeting up with them.
They’re using your face to scam their customers.
If that doesn’t make you angry, it should. It makes us angry. If we can’t get laid with our faces, it doesn’t seem right that someone should be getting paid for them.
Read About Our Results After Trying UKSexMeet.co.uk To Meet Women Online
During our UKSexMeet review, we sent messages out to 500 women, hoping that some of them, hopefully at least half, would contact us in return after reading our messages.
Sadly, this wasn’t to be. We only got 11 messages back, and none of them were exactly worth reading.
This would have been all right if there were many unsolicited emails (some sites are just like that), but that wasn’t the case either. The only unsolicited emails we got were during the free trial we did, to try and convince us to buy the full membership.
Is UKSexMeet.co.uk A Scam?? Why They Aren’t Worth It
We’d tell you what’s wrong with UKSexMeet.co.uk, but we’re a little bit afraid that by the time you read this, the site will be gone and it’ll be called CasualUkPlaceBritainSexMeet.co.uk or something.
Obviously, there was something wrong with the first site—all of these clone sites are the same. They stay up until the authorities have enough about the fraud that’s being committed to bring charges against the site…
…at which point the site is promptly removed. No lawsuit is possible, because the site is gone. The people who put it up simply move on to a new domain name, and let the old site die. The new one, UKSexMeet.co.uk or whatever it will be next, is just another placeholder.
Should You Use UKSexMeet.co.uk To Meet Women Online? (Hint: NO.)
Don’t waste your time with UKSexMeet.co.uk. It’s on our list of terrible sites for a reason. If you spend time here, you’re wasting it. If you spend any money on UKSexMeet.co.uk, you’re wasting that as well.
Instead, check out Sexsearch , or Eroticads . Those are our favorite sites for meeting up for sex in the UK, and it’ll only take a few minutes on either of them to see why we prefer them so strongly to any crap like UKSexMeet.co.uk.