3 Things That Will Make Her Think You’re Looking for Something Serious

“Keep your relationship confined to the bed”
When you meet a woman online and it turns into the hookup you have been waiting for, you feel like you have achieved something. You started and kept up the race and then you made it to the finish line. But here’s the thing: you were only in it for a one night stand. That’s a message you want to maintain. Being clear with a woman about what you want is essential – no one is into games once you reach a certain age – and obviously, if you met her on a sex dating site, she already knows what you’re looking for. The thing is that it can be hard to maintain that image. We have put together a few key mistakes that guys often make and hopefully, we can help you and every other guy in the United Kingdom get what you want. Here’s what not to do.
You Make Her a Meal

“Do not cook for her if you just want a hook up”
When you’re hooking up with a woman and you’re both in it for the sex from the start, there’s a difference between being polite and going out of your way. Being polite is offering to order out if she comes over, and you’ve planned a night of hot sex. The lady has to eat. Going out of your way means that you fix her an elaborate meal. That turns your meeting into something resembling a date. Don’t act like it’s a date if it’s not. She’s going to get the wrong idea, and in fact, it may turn her off, since she’s probably looking for NSA sex, too.
You Dress Up
Under no circumstances ever dress up specifically to meet the woman you’ve developed a fling with, not even for the first time. You can smarten up a bit, but don’t don a tie and jacket. If you look like you’re trying too hard, she’s going to be taken aback and wonder why you’re trying to impress her. Men that have success with the female sex are the ones that look like they’re not trying, not the ones nervously sweating under that freshly pressed shirt. Keep your cool, play it suave, but don’t act like you’re trying to win her over. You’re a smooth, sophisticated guy – let her come to you. Don’t act completely indifferent – it’s sexy to make it clear you’re interested – but err on the side of being aloof. Desperation is never attractive.
You Take Her Out

“Taking her out will make her think that you are interested in her”
If you take her out, it’s a date. It’s that simple. The difference, again, between being polite and a date, is practicality and flattery. Practicality is addressing standard needs or simple desires, like wanting a drink. Being polite is having a bottle of wine chilling in the refrigerator – no, not just for her, but in general. Lots of men have alcohol in their homes, so offering her a glass of wine is definitely not going to qualify as a “date,” so much as a polite gesture. Flattery, on the other hand, is offering to take her out for an expensive meal and conversing at length – this count as a date. Don’t send her the wrong signals.