After the Argument: Coming Back from Couples’ Drama

“Small arguments in a relationship are normal things”
Every couple is going to have arguments. It’s a fact of life, sadly. Everything from how much attention you pay to other women to the level of cleanliness you maintain in your living quarters can be the spark that will set the place ablaze and start an argument. Don’t believe any advice that columnists tell you; having a fight every now and then is actually good for a relationship. It’s healthy to disagree and it’s even healthier to not let a relationship stagnate and to make sure that things stay new and fresh. It’s not the fight itself that dictates what your relationship is like, it’s what you do to come back from the fights that rock the relationship, so here’s how to handle the aftershocks of the argument.
Return to Normalcy
It’s best to get back to normal as quickly as possible. Returning to the way your lives were before the drama or argument is the only way to make the relationship feel the way it was before. Even if you did something you were starting to fear she’d never forgive you for or if she said some unmitigated and extremely rude things to you, it’s absolutely crucial to try and get back to the way things were. If you want the relationship to continue, you can’t expect her or you to be as happy in it as you can be if the only thing you keep thinking about is the last big argument you had. It’s not healthy, after all.
Forgive and Forget

“Pacify her and feel sorry”
You’ve undoubtedly heard that women can hold grudges forever. They’ll never forget the one time you insinuated that you might not be one hundred percent happy, and if you cheat on them and get caught, they’ll never let that go. That’s one way that men and women have differed for years, and that’s one practice you should continue to exemplify. Men are good at letting things go over their heads when they need to, so that’s what you should do. Forgive whatever caused the argument and put it behind you.
Make-Up Sex

“Having sex after an argument will help you to forget it fast”
Make-up sex is a very real thing, and it’s a tradition that you and the woman you’re seeing should institute after each argument that you have. Remember that whole “getting back to normal” concept? This is a big part of that. You definitely don’t want to keep her sleeping as far over on her side of the bed as she can get and trust us, she doesn’t either. What she wants is for you to make the first move and start to set the mood so that the two of you can get your sex life back to where it should be. She might hold out on you for a while, but if you can at least make yourself seem sincere, she won’t hold out on you forever. If you’re in a steady relationship with her, doing the most intimate thing possible with her is to get your relationship back to normal.