Real or Fake? A Guide to Spotting Plastic Surgeries
With plastic surgery on the rise, it’s becoming harder and harder to tell what’s natural and what isn’t. Instead of walking right up to her and asking, “Are those real?” you have to remember your manners. No woman is going to want you if you can’t even keep comments like that to yourself. So, if you have an issue with women who have undergone plastic surgery, you need to be subtle about it. There are some key things to look for when you’re trying to scope out fakes, and these are the top three.
If her tits look unnaturally firm, then they probably are. Push-up bras can only do so much to make the breasts look perfectly round. Remember that essentially those are sacs of fat, and then base your inspection around that. This little rule is mostly for her chest, though it can also work for lips, cheeks, or ass. Implants are all the rage these days, and she can get injections in her face and implants everywhere else. Again, if she looks to firm to be true, then you’re probably looking at a plastic surgery patient.
Keep in mind the basic laws of gravity and remember that push-up bras are not miracle workers. The function of a push-up bra is mostly to make her look a cup size or two larger than she really is. Be especially wary for girls in strapless dresses or spaghetti straps that can’t hide her bra. If she isn’t wearing a bra and her tits are still perfectly perky, there’s something unnatural going on there. Again, sacs of fat cannot support themselves. They might look great on their own, but they won’t be as fun to play with. After going through breast augmentation surgeries, a lot of the sensitivity goes away as well as the natural feel of them. Face-lifts are also increasingly common, though those are much easier to spot. A face-lift involves physically pulling back the skin of the face so that it seems tighter and puts everything back in place, but it never looks natural. If her eyebrows are a little too high or she’s smiling a bit too much for your comfort, chances are she’s been under the knife.
Size might matter, but it’s easy to go overboard. Those double D’s she’s sporting might look amazing, but on a size 0 body it’s obvious that they aren’t the real deal. Girls aren’t naturally built that way – if they were, then they would have severe back problems. Women equate sex appeal to cup size, so it’s not uncommon for them to go overboard when they go in to get implants. Just keep in mind a woman’s anatomy when you look to pick up girls; larger than life isn’t better by any stretch of the word. This is also a key way to spot butt implants and Botox injections. Her full lips will look more like she was stung by bees, as will her bottom, giving you a key tip-off that she’s more plastic than real.