When to Call Your Friend with Benefits

“Call her only when she is available”
A friend with benefits can be one of the most rewarding casual relationships one can have. More long term than a weekend or one night stand, but less intense than a fling, a friend with benefits can be an easy and reliable source for sex. However, like all good things, this relationship is not without its pitfalls, and it can often leave men wondering what exactly is an appropriate moment to call her, here’s the way to know whether it’s a good night to give her a call.
Don’t Let Yourself Get Reliant on Her
It’s easy to be satisfied with easy sex. On the surface, it can be easy to think about easing off the singles scene. A friend with benefits situation does not lasts forever and it’s not the most ideal solution. If you want a lover or a girlfriend, you have to keep looking even when your immediate needs are taken care of. If you’re not looking for something serious, it’s even more important that you get out there and try to find other people. If you stick with one woman long enough, sooner or later some emotions will develop and you’ll be stuck with an actual relationship. Be tough on yourself here; have you put any serious effort into hooking up this weekend? If you haven’t, go out for some drinks before you allow yourself the luxury of falling back on convenient Plan B.

“Deciding a date and time in advance will be beneficial for both of you”
If things don’t pan out with your date, it can be tempting to use your friend with benefits as a consolation prize. If you’re going to do that, make sure you’re just soothing your libido, not your wounded ego.
Avoid Embarrassment: Check Her Availability
You don’t want to keep calling up your friend with benefits only to discover that she already has plans. It makes you seem desperate, so the best way to avoid this is to do a little detective work. If you want to see her right away or a little later that same night, just check out her social media pages. Especially, Facebook and Twitter as many of these are updated hourly. If she’s posted something within the last hour, and/or mentions being alone that night, ring her right away. You know she’s available. Likewise, if she’s just checked in at the local dance club, you know not to call and seem like you have less of a social life than she does.
Another good plan is to text her couple of days ahead of time. A text saying you might want to get together this weekend sent on Thursday or Friday means that she might leave time open for you on purpose, without you having to actually commit to a time or day to see her.
Girlfriends come and go, but a properly maintained friends with benefits relationship can last a lot longer. If you don’t come off as desperate and neither does she, you two can enjoy casual meet ups and minimal feelings or awkwardness for a long time.